Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004

Theme 3: Vision, Possibilities, Tech. Developments

Argos 3 The Next Generation
Bill Woodward (SAI), Christian Ortega (CLS)


In late 2005 the first Argos 3 Data Collection System (DCS) will be launched on the European METOP 1 satellite. This third generation system will bring a significant increase in capabilities to Argos users. Two-way messaging and an order of magnitude increase in the rate of data transmission will greatly expand the possible operating scenarios. Platforms will be able to be controlled from the user’s desktop and a complete T/S profile from an Argo float can be sent in a single Argos message. At least five Argos 3 DCS are scheduled for launch during the ten year period 2005-20015. This presentation will discuss the new features and capabilities of the Argos 3 DCS and how they can be applied, and will outline the planned launch schedule for satellites carrying Argos 3.