Programme 4.4 Marine Meteorology and Associated Oceanographic Activities Programme
Purpose and scope
6.4.16 The purpose of the Marine Meteorology and Associated Oceanographic Activities Programme (MMAOAP) is the provision of services in support of the safety of life and property at sea, the protection of the marine environment, and the efficient management of marine resources, based on the collection and timely distribution of marine meteorological and oceanographic data.
6.4.17 Basic marine weather services are provided by countries to meet requirements on the high seas as part of their commitment as signatories to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as well as in support of the safety and welfare of those engaged in other maritime activities such as fisheries. These are essentially public services. Basic marine services also include warnings, some of which relate to storm surges and coastal flooding, and act to mitigate natural disasters. Other services relate to marine environmental quality and its protection. In addition, there is an increasing demand from marine users for a range of more specialized meteorological and oceanographic services in support of economic and related interests.
6.4.18 The programme will continue to foster an appropriate infrastructure for marine science and techniques development, information exchange, national Capacity Development and manpower development in the specialized areas of marine meteorology and physical oceanography.
Main long-term objectives
6.4.19 The main long-term objectives of the Marine Meteorology and Associated Oceanographic Activities Programme are:
(a) To enhance the provision of marine meteorological and physical oceanographic services in support of the safety of navigation, ocean-based economic, commercial and industrial activities, the prevention and control of marine pollution, coastal zone development and recreational activities, and in support of the safety of coastal habitation and activities;
(b) To expand and maintain a composite, operational, global marine meteorological and physical oceanographic observing system, containing both in situ and remote sensing components and including data communication facilities, as a part of the Global Ocean Observing System and the World Weather Watch, and in support of the World Climate Programme and other major WMO Programmes;
(c) To maintain and expand a comprehensive climatological data base of marine meteorological, physical oceanographic and sea-ice data, in support of marine services and the World Climate Programme;
(d) To facilitate the incorporation of advances in meteorological and oceanographic science and technology into ocean observing systems and the provision of marine services; and to ensure that all countries have the capacity to benefit from and contribute to these advances, and to contribute to the implementation of the programme in general.
Implementation for the period 2000-2003
6.4.20 Plans for implementation include:
(a) Promotion and coordination, on a global basis, of continuing improvement in marine meteorological and oceanographic services, including: - ensuring that an adequate and unrestricted flow of data and products is maintained to enable national Meteorological Services to meet their commitments under SOLAS, as a part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System; - encouraging the development of more specialized services for shipping, which cover problems such as tropical cyclones, ocean waves and sea ice; - promoting improvements in specialized meteorological and oceanographic services in support of the exploitation of resources of the deep ocean, offshore, inshore and coastal regions, of the safety of people living and working in these areas, and of coastal development, including shoreline protection, reclamation and construction; - encouraging the further development of specialized marine meteorological and oceanographic services in support of activities for the prevention and control of marine pollution and protection of marine environmental quality;
(b) Support to the improvement of the marine climatological and related ocean data base including: - ensuring that the marine data bases meet all the needs of national Meteorological Services; - improving the data archival time-scales of existing climatological and related data bases such as MCSS to more closely meet the needs of users; - encouraging and co-ordinating improved and uniform standards of quality control for marine data; and - ensuring that an adequate level of information about the quality and provenance of the data (Metadata) is maintained;
(c) International coordination, maintenance and expansion of a number of composite marine observing system components, including the VOS scheme (CMM), the DBCP, IGOSS ships of opportunity and ASAP; and participation in the planning, implementation and maintenance, jointly with the IOC and other international organizations, of an operational Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), including: - ensuring the provision of adequate areal data coverage; - blending of in situ and satellite data; - promoting standard observing practices; and - ensuring that the results of routine monitoring and quality control are made available to the operators of systems;
(d) The development, updating and publication of guidance and technical material such as marine meteorological guides, manuals, handbooks and reports, and of operational manuals for marine meteorology and related oceanographic activities;
(e) The development of techniques for marine observations, for communications and for forecasting and analysis, including: - the adaptation of forecast and analysis techniques for use on PCs and computer workstations; - furthering the use of proven technology for data transmission; - encouraging the development of new techniques for in situ measurements and remotely-sensed data (with the objective of maximizing the contribution of such techniques to environmental observing systems such as the GOS, IGOSS, GOOS and GCOS); - encouraging the intercomparison and quality control of data; - enhancing the application of remotely-sensed ocean data; and - acting as a focal point for communicating the observational data requirements of marine meteorological and oceanographic services to the satellite operating agencies;
(f) Facilitating the development and provision of marine meteorological services on a national, regional or sub-regional basis through direct support to national Meteorological Services in the implementation of marine observing systems and services and through the fostering of, and direct support to, regional co-operative arrangements for the provision of marine meteorological services, including encouraging the use of the WMO Voluntary Co-operation Programme and other co-operative programmes;
(g) Promoting the transfer of information and techniques relevant to the full range of marine meteorological services, by convening and supporting training seminars, workshops, etc; encouraging the development of specialized training in marine meteorology and physical oceanography in existing meteorological training institutes and universities; and encouraging the transfer of technology in support of training programmes.