JCOMM-III - Scientific Lectures

Marrakech, Morocco
5 and 9 November 2009

JCOMM/TR-No. 50, WMO/TD-No. 1518





Following the decision by the JCOMM Management Committee, at its seventh session (Melbourne, December 2008), scientific lectures at the JCOMM-III session were arranged within the main technical part of the agenda on the theme of socio-economic benefits of met-ocean information and services. Since a large number of the population lives on the coast and depends on coastal resources and the marine environment, they are permanently at risk and are vulnerable to extreme met-ocean events. The lectures therefore were intended to serve as a means of informing Members/Member States on global and regional impacts of the provision of met-ocean information and services on the marine environment, including coastal zones, and socio-economic activities. They were directly relevant to, and in support of, the role of JCOMM as the intergovernmental technical body for coordinating and regulating marine meteorology and operational oceanography.


Thursday, 5 November 2009

Socio-economic Benefits of Met-ocean Information and Services (abstract) (full text) (presentation) - Professor John Zillman

Socio-economic Benefits of Met-ocean Information and Services in Africa (abstract) (full text) (presentation) - Dr Malika Bel Hassen-Abid


Monday, 9 November 2009

The Evolution of the Operational Oceanography (abstract) (full text) (presentation) - Dr Geoffrey Holland

Marine Meteorological Activities in Morocco (abstract) (full text) (presentation) - Mr Hassan Bouksim


JCOMM Technical Report Series DISCLAMER