2nd Ice Analysts Workshop


Tromsų, Norway

15-19 June 2009

JCOMM/TR-No. 49, WMO/TD-No. 1517


The provision of marine meteorological and oceanographic services, including sea ice, to meet the requirements of marine users continued to be the highest priority for the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), since they contribute substantially to national economies, as well as being essential for the safety of life at sea, recognized by SOLAS Convention.  Recognizing the increased use of the Polar Regions by all elements of the marine community (including commercial, military and scientific), gaps and problems with availability, harmonization and standardization of appropriate Maritime Safety Information (MSI) broadcasts, including sea ice, for SOLAS and non-SOLAS ships were expected to build up.

In order to enhance the capability of Members concerned to provide harmonized sea ice services and as a follow-up of the First Ice Analysts Workshop (Rostock, Germany, June 2008), the Baltic Sea Ice Meeting, at its twenty-third session (Helsinki, Finland, September 2008), and the International Ice Chart Working Group (IICWG), at its ninth session (Lullee, Sweden, October 2008), proposed to convene a Second Ice Analysts Workshop to assess the differences in current practices of ice analysis and charting at the national ice services, and estimate accuracies of ice charts for operational needs.  The JCOMM Services Programme Area Coordination Group further endorsed this Workshop, at its fourth session (Geneva, Switzerland, March 2009).  In this regard, the Second Ice Analysts Workshop will take place at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no), in Tromsų, Norway, from 15 to 19 June 2009. The major outcome from this workshop would be the development of guidelines for standard sea-ice services response practices, including coding and presentation schemes.


Objectives of the Workshop

The primary objective of the 2nd Ice Analysts Workshop was the assessment of differences between current practices of ice analysis and charting at the national ice services and estimate accuracies of ice charts to meet both operational and climate needs. To help achieve this goal, the workshop encompasses:

1.    case studies, presentation/discussion from different Ice Services on the techniques used in analyzing imagery and preparing ice charts in order to exchange views and techniques, learning diverse practices from different Ice Services; and

2.    breakout expert groups by region (Arctic, Antarctic and Baltic Sea) to analyze imagery and prepare ice charts during the workshop in order to develop a methodology to harmonize the analysis process.



List of Participants JCOMM Technical Report Series
