Proceedings of the third JCOMM Workshop on
Advances in Marine Climatology

Gdynia, Poland, 6-9 May 2008

JCOMM Technical Report No. 45, Rev. 1
WMO/TD-No. 1445

Image credit

Background information and objectives
Original announcement
Programme, presentations, and posters made at the workshop
Summary of discussions and recommendations
List of participants
Group picture
List of JCOMM Technical Reports



The Workshop was organized jointly by the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), and by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW), Poland, and sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the IMGW, the University of Gdansk, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton (UK). The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set project (ICOADS), and the City Hall of Gdynia have also provided some support.

Image credit: Thomson, C.W., 1878: The Voyage of the Challenger: the Atlantic: A Preliminary Account of the General Results of the Exploring Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the Year 1873 and the Early Part of the Year 1876. New York, Harper & Brothers (from vol. 1, p. 65, photograph courtesy of the NOAA Photo Library).

Revision 1, 20 July 2010: Poster S2P2 by Clive Wilkinson on RECLAIM was updated to replace diagram "UK Logbooks Temporal Range"