Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004

Theme 3: Vision, Possibilities, Tech. Developments

Development of the TRIAXYS Directional Wave Buoy
M D Miles, E. Mansard, A. Cornett, (Canadian Hydraulics Center , Ottawa) R Phillips (AXYS Environmental Systems, Canada)


There has been increased testing of coastal processes and structures in multidirectional waves in recent years due to advances in laboratory wave generation capabilities. Many researchers have also demonstrated the usefulness of testing under multidirectional waves to obtain more accurate information on the performance of structures and this has led to an increasing demand for instruments to measure the directional characteristics of prototype waves. 

This paper describes the recent development of one such instrument called the TRIAXYS Directional Wave Buoy which has been jointly developed by Axys Environmental Systems and by the Canadian Hydraulics Center (CHC) of the National Research Council of Canada. The motion measurement and wave analysis techniques used in the buoy are described as well as the computer simulations and model tests that were used to validate the software components. Some results of sea trials of the buoy are also presented which show very good agreement between the TIIAXYS buoy and a Directional Waverider buoy that was used for comparison.