Application of collected data
Presentations at the DBCP Technical Workshop
Chennai, India, 18-19 October 2004

Theme 3: Vision, Possibilities, Tech. Developments

Development of SVP-Drifter for More Data at Lower Cost
Motyzhev S.*, Brown J.**, Horton E.**, Lunev E.*, Kirichenko A.*, Tolstosheev A.*
* Marine Hydrophysical Institute NASU/Marlin-Yug Ltd, Ukraine, ** Naval Oceanographic Office, USA


Surface drifting buoys are an important component of Ocean Observing System for operational monitoring of active layer and near-surface atmosphere. It seems the technological phase of this tool development, as for the improvement of buoy data quality, is near to be completed. The orientation of further investigations should be directed towards the new measuring possibilities and less cost of data. 

One of possible ways to develop this area of activity could be a flexible drifter array on basis of smart buoys. This drifter can analyze data by own processing possibilities to choose necessary technical status (frequency of samples, resolution of sensors, data format, etc.) according to variability of parameters under control. One of the ways to decrease cost of data is a development of indirect methods of measurements when sensor's data can be used for measurement or evaluation more parameters than it is possible according to direct purpose of sensor. 

The first approach to develop the idea has become so called storm buoy on basis SVP-B drifter with increased temporal and instrumental resolution for air pressure (AP) and sea surface temperature (SST) measurements. Since 2003 these buoys have been used to investigate the ways for early warning about tropical storms. 

New generation SVP-BT storm drifters will be used in 2004 for evaluation of heat power accumulation inside active layer. Further efforts would be connected with development of Light Smart Buoy on basis SVP-B technology. This buoy should have less size and cost and in addition to standard for this buoy AP and SST to be measured, it should estimate the surface waves parameters and vertical profile of water temperature inside active layer.