Third International Workshop for Port Meteorological Officers
Hamburg, Germany, 23-24 March 2006


Julie Fletcher, Chairperson of VOS Panel welcomed PMOs and PMO Managers to the third International Workshop of Port Meteorological Officers. She noted that without the dedicated work of the PMO network, the VOS fleet would not exist. As a PMO herself, she commented that while much of the PMO work is stimulating and interesting, it is also physically demanding and the out of office work hours can impact on family and social life.

As VOSP Chairperson, Julie explained the VOS panel is trying to coordinate and promote activities that will enhance the Global VOS and the work of PMOs. The aim is to improve international coordination and raise the monitoring and reporting procedures of VOS to a level similar to that of SOOP and DBCP. The excellent work done by PMOs underpins the VOS programme and the Panel is providing guidance on operational issues such as how to recruit more ships to VOS and VOSClim, and addressing issues relating to day to day PMO operational concerns such as security and port access.

The VOSP Chairperson endorsed the objectives for PMO-INT-III as outlined by the SOT Chairperson, and hoped that all PMOs would learn something from the meeting that they can take home to improve their VOS.