Monitoring statistics are presented in the accompanying tables for pressure, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity and sea surface temperature observations from each ship in the New Zealand fleet.


The tables have 5 columns:


Column 1 gives the ship identifier.


Column 2 gives the total number of observations received at Exeter over the GTS in the month. Only those observations received in time for use in the numerical models have been included, and the relevant cut-off times are 0715, 1315, 1915 and

0115 UTC for the observation times 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC respectively. Identical reports having exactly the same position, time and observed value have only been counted once.


Column 3 gives the percentage of observations with gross error over the period. These are observations which differ from the background value by an amount which is far in excess of the likely background error (pressure 15 hPa, temperature 15 deg C, wind speed 25ms, wind direction 150 deg, relative humidity 50 %, sea surface temperature 10 deg C). The statistics for bias and standard deviation are calculated excluding these observations.


Column 4 gives the average observation bias over the month relative to reference values provided by the UK numerical forecasting system (these are short-term forecasts or background fields). The background values have been interpolated to the observation position and are valid for the relevant main synoptic hour (0000, 0600, 1200 or 1800 UTC). Corrections have been made for known biases in the background fields, and the resulting estimates of the observation bias are thought to be accurate to about 0.5 hPa/ms where there is a sufficiently large number of observations from the ship.


Column 5 gives SD or Normalised SD.

"Normalised SD" is a measure of the standard deviation of the differences of observations from the background values relative to all other marine surface observations in the region; a value of 1.0 means that the standard deviation is the same as the average for all other ships and buoys in the region, while a value of 2.0 means that it is twice as large, and so on. A value of 1.5 or less might be regarded as acceptable where there is a sufficiently large number of observations from the ship.





Mr Mike Harrison

Observations Data Monitoring Group

NWP Division

Met Office

Fitzroy Road



United Kingdom





                                (FEBRUARY 2006)



                                 PRESSURE (hPa)


        WMO ID.       TOTAL   % GROSS ERROR      BIAS      NORMALISED SD


         A8AL3          75           0            0.0            0.6

         A8ES9          59           0           -0.3            0.6

         IBVL           20           0            2.0            0.5

         IBWK           20           0           -0.4            1.9

         OVYB2          29           0           -0.5            1.1

         OVZB2          52           0           -0.2            1.2

         OWVI2          25           0            1.0            1.1

         OYVQ2          41           0           -0.4            0.7

         OZWN2          76           0            0.6            0.7

         OZWP2          46           0            0.3            1.0


         P3KT8          19           0            0.4            0.4

         VRAE2          29           0           -0.4            0.8

         VRAE3          11           0           -0.4            0.8

         VRAE4          15           0           -0.2            1.1

         VRWW8          29           0           -0.5            1.3

         V2BE4          18           0            0.3            0.8

         V2EU           50           0           -1.2            1.4

         V7EL4           8           0           -0.6            1.0

         YJYY2          32           3            0.5            1.7

         ZCBX4          33           0            0.0            0.6


         ZMFR           88           0           -0.1            1.4

         ZMIO           14           0            0.1            0.6

         ZMKA           22           0            0.1            0.4

         ZMSO           17           0            0.6            2.4

         ZM2619         15           0            0.4            3.0

         3EAT6          14           0           -0.5            0.7

         3FRR5          45           0            0.0            2.1



                              TEMPERATURE (deg C)


        WMO ID.       TOTAL   % GROSS ERROR      BIAS            SD


         A8AL3          75           0            0.3            1.1

         A8ES9          59           0            0.2            1.0

         IBVL           20           0            2.0            1.7

         IBWK           20           0            0.9            1.1

         OVYB2          29           0            0.1            1.1

         OVZB2          52           0            0.7            1.3

         OWVI2          25           0            0.6            1.3

         OYVQ2          41           0            0.4            1.1

         OZWN2          76           0            0.5            1.3

         OZWP2          46           0            0.2            1.7


         P3KT8          19           0            0.3            1.0

         VRAE2          29           0            0.6            0.9

         VRAE3          11           0            1.0            2.2

         VRAE4          15           0            0.7            0.9

         VRWW8          29           0            1.2            1.4

         V2BE4          18           0            1.2            1.4

         V2EU           50           0            0.5            1.3

         V7EL4           9           0           -0.3            0.9

         YJYY2          32           0           -0.1            1.2

         ZCBX4          33           0            0.6            1.5


         ZMFR           88           1           -0.1            1.1

         ZMIO           14           0            0.3            1.3

         ZMKA           22           0            0.0            1.2

         ZMSO           17           0           -0.9            3.6

         ZM2619         15           0            1.7            1.1

         3EAT6          14           0            1.1            1.4

         3FRR5          45           0            0.2            1.0



                              WIND SPEED (m s-1)


        WMO ID.       TOTAL   % GROSS ERROR      BIAS      NORMALISED SD


         A8AL3          75           0            0.5            1.1

         A8ES9          59           0           -0.3            0.7

         IBVL           19           0            0.7            1.2

         IBWK           20           0           -0.3            1.2

         OVYB2          29           0           -0.8            0.7

         OVZB2          51           0            0.8            0.7

         OWVI2          25           0            0.7            0.9

         OYVQ2          40           0            1.3            1.2

         OZWN2          66           0            0.6            0.8

         OZWP2          44           0            0.8            1.5


         P3KT8          19           0            1.1            0.6

         VRAE2          27           0           -0.8            0.8

         VRAE3          11           0           -0.7            0.5

         VRAE4          15           0            0.0            0.7

         VRWW8          28           0            0.1            0.8

         V2BE4          18           0           -3.2            0.9

         V2EU           48           0           -1.3            1.1

         V7EL4           9           0           -0.5            0.8

         YJYY2          27           0           -1.2            1.0

         ZCBX4          33           0           -1.6            0.6


         ZMFR           88           0           -0.7            1.0

         ZMIO           11           0            1.5            1.3

         ZMKA           21           0            0.0            0.8

         ZMSO           11           0           -1.3            0.9

         ZM2619         15           0           -1.0            0.6

         3EAT6          14           0           -0.5            0.6

         3FRR5          45           0           -0.4            0.9



                              WIND DIRECTION (deg)


        WMO ID.       TOTAL   % GROSS ERROR      BIAS            SD


         A8AL3          54           0           -0.8           24.4

         A8ES9          38           0           -0.6            9.6

         IBVL            9           0          -10.1           42.5

         IBWK           12           0           -6.1           10.3

         OVYB2          17           0            2.3           27.7

         OVZB2          20           0            5.3           12.5

         OWVI2          15           0           11.0           15.8

         OYVQ2          25           0           -6.5           22.8

         OZWN2          40           0           -6.5           27.8

         OZWP2          19           0           21.5           26.4


         P3KT8          12           0           12.0           17.2

         VRAE2          18           0          -10.4           21.4

         VRAE3           5           0           -1.5           10.7

         VRAE4           6           0          -12.3           14.2

         VRWW8          14           0           10.3           22.4

         V2EU           20           0           -0.8           16.8

         V7EL4           6           0           12.0           12.2

         YJYY2           7           0           -5.0           50.0

         ZCBX4          13           0            7.4           22.5

         ZMFR           59           0            2.9           18.2


         ZMKA           12           0            6.5           19.0

         ZM2619          8           0           16.6           25.7

         3FRR5          27           0          -12.1           20.1



                             RELATIVE HUMIDITY (%)


        WMO ID.       TOTAL   % GROSS ERROR      BIAS            SD


         A8AL3          75           0           -3.2            6.3

         A8ES9          59           0            1.1            5.4

         IBVL           20           0           -5.5            9.3

         IBWK           20           0           11.1            7.1

         OVYB2          29           0            1.5            6.8

         OVZB2          52           0           -1.8            6.7

         OWVI2          25           0           -0.6            8.7

         OYVQ2          41           0           -0.4            7.1

         OZWN2          76           0            2.7            6.5

         OZWP2          46           0           -1.2            8.8


         P3KT8          19           0            0.4            7.0

         VRAE2          29           0            0.0            6.0

         VRAE3          11           0           -4.0            8.7

         VRAE4          15           0           -0.8            5.7

         VRWW8          29           0           -3.0            6.2

         V2BE4          18           0           -4.2            6.6

         V2EU           50           0           -0.4            6.8

         V7EL4           8           0           -0.9            8.6

         YJYY2          32           0            0.1            6.4

         ZCBX4          33           0           -2.3            6.9


         ZMFR           80           0            0.4            8.1

         ZMIO           13           0            7.2            8.9

         ZMKA           22           0            0.1            4.9

         ZMSO           17           0            4.9            7.6

         ZM2619         15           0           -4.7            8.0

         3EAT6          14           0           -7.1            4.5

         3FRR5          45           0           -0.2            5.9



                        SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE (deg C)


        WMO ID.       TOTAL   % GROSS ERROR      BIAS      NORMALISED SD


         A8AL3          85           0           -0.2            1.0

         A8ES9          43           0            0.1            1.3

         IBWK           12           0           -1.6            1.2

         OVYB2          28           0            1.0            0.5

         OVZB2          52           0            0.8            0.3

         OWVI2          25           0            1.2            0.4

         OYVQ2          41           0            1.1            0.4

         OZWN2          76           0            1.0            0.5

         OZWP2          46           4            1.0            0.5

         P3KT8          19           0            2.5            0.8


         VRAE2          29           0            0.7            0.7

         VRAE3          11           0            1.5            0.8

         VRAE4          15           0            2.0            0.2

         VRWW8          29           0            1.2            0.4

         V2EU           50           0            0.5            0.6

         V7EL4          10           0            0.3            0.6

         YJYY2          32           0           -0.3            0.9

         ZCBX4          33           0            0.2            0.6

         ZMFR           87           5           -1.8            3.0

         ZM2619          8           0            1.1            0.7


         3EAT6          11           0            0.6            0.4

         3FRR5          45           0           -1.2            1.1