Third International Workshop for Port Meteorological Officers
Hamburg, Germany, 23-24 March 2006

Objectives (Graeme Ball)
WMO perspective (Edgard Cabrera)
SOT overview (Graeme Ball)
Role and responsibility of the PMOs (Graeme Ball)
VOS status (Julie Fletcher)
Support for XBT (Graeme Ball)

Introduction by Grame Ball, Chairperson, SOT

On behalf of the executive of the Ship Observations Team, I would like to welcome the Port Meteorological Officers of the world and many national VOS Program managers to this, the third International Port Meteorological Officer Conference.

This meeting follows three days of meetings dedicated to harmonising the surface marine program, in particular the VOS, in Europe under EUCOS. The SOT has the same goal but on the global stage. Port Meteorological Officers play a fundamental and very essential role in the programs coordinated under SOT, so therefore harmonising the way in which PMOs operate is crucial to achieving the aims of SOT.

I would like take this opportunity to thank Deutsche Wetterdienst for hosting this meeting, and in particular Mr. Klaus-Jurgen Schreiber, Chief of Division, Observing Networks, for his opening remarks, and a special thank you to Mr. Volker Wiedner for the local organisation and facilities provided for this, and indeed the 3 meetings this week.

Thank you to Mr. Edgard Cabrera, Chief Ocean Affairs Division, for his welcome on behalf of WMO. I also wish to publicly thank WMO for supporting this meeting, and for providing the financial assistance to enable the attendance of some delegates.

A special vote of thanks must also go to my fellow SOT members who will assist me with the presentations over these two days.

For this meeting to be truly effective it must be interactive - you must participate by asking questions either during the designated question times or in private discussion with the presenters. This conference is for your benefit so please make the most of the opportunity.

In closing, I'd again welcome everybody to Hamburg for PMO-III and I trust that this conference is successful in achieving its many objectives.