Programmes > Space > Data access and use > SCOPE-Nowcasting

Sustained, Coordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Nowcasting (SCOPE-Nowcasting)


Objectives of SCOPE-Nowcasting are:

To provide a mechanism through which satellite data can be made available simply and quickly, for nowcasting applications

To primarily serve users in the NMHSs of smaller or developing nations, where expertise and facilities for processing and utilizing satellite data may be limited or non-existent,

To assist advanced nations in data processing and application where there may be efficiencies possible through combining resources, expertise, and efforts.


SCOPE-Nowcasting will be demonstrated through a number of pilot projects, meeting the criteria defined by the WMO Expert Team on Satellite Utilization and Products (ET-SUP):

Pilot Project 1
(Basic nowcasting)
RGB composites and enhancements, visible and infrared imagery, precipitation potential products and cloud products Region II (Asia) and V (SW Pacific); SWFDP regions NMS in Region II and V CMA, JMA, KMA Himawari-8 RGBs
(Full area, SWFDP SE Asia, SWFDP SW Pacific)
Pilot Project 2 (Advanced nowcasting for aviation) Globally-consistent volcanic ash products Global; VAAC regions of responsibility VAAC centres CMA, ESA, EUMETSAT, JMA, KMA, NOAA VA Inter-comparison Activity
Pilot Project 3
(Advanced nowcasting on precipitation and severe rainfall risk reduction)
Blended satellite global and regional precipitation product Global; SWFDP regions NMHS, civil authorities, flash flood guidance systems NOAA, NASA QPE maps based on HydroEstimator
Pilot Project 4
(Real-time Atmospheric Composition products for sand and dust forecasting)
Dust monitoring and prediction products Region II (Asia) and V (SW Pacific) NMSs, SDS-WAS, environment agencies, transport authorities CMA, JMA, KMA  

More details on the Pilot Projects is provided in the Summary of Pilot Projects (January 2017) .


SCOPE-Nowcasting is supported by CGMS satellite operators, and aligned with a number of WMO initiatives, in particular SCOPE-CM and the Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP). SWFDP is focused primarily on numerical weather prediction output; the observational focus of SCOPE-Nowcasting has the high potential to complement and enhance SWFDP final output and thus lead to improved warning services. Linkages with other relevant programmes, initiatives and groups will be sought, as appropriate.





WMO, 7bis, avenue de la Paix, CP No. 2300, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland - Tel.: +41(0)22 730 81 11 - Fax: +41(0)22 730 81 81
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